A General rule, as you go up in string gauge (higher the number is the thinner the string is), the string is  less durable but more playable. Example, 18 gauge is more playable than 17 gauge but won’t last as  long. If you’re a string breaker, you might want to go with the 16 gauge. If you’re unsure, 17 is a safe bet  because it’s right in the middle. 

Badminton strings (the thinnest of all racquet sports) are mostly ALL 22g. The difference in this category  is measured in MM (millimeters). EX: 70mm (thickest) to 61mm (thinnest). 

Racquetball strings generally range from 18g to 16g. 

Squash strings generally range from 19g to 17g. 

Tennis strings (the thickest of all racquet sports) range from 15g to 17g 


A General rule is the number of times you play in a week is the number of times you should get your  racquet restrung in a year. Strings don’t last forever. For example, if you play 5 times a week, you should  get your racquet restrung 5 times a year.